Teacher Worksheet App

Past Results (RAP/NAPLAN) Data Slider

Enhanced Feature to Analyse and Integrate your Past Results Data (RAP / NAPLAN) (Video may take a few seconds to load)

Zero-wait printing

The "View PDF" button is really just a convenience for having the SmarterMaths system generate a side-by-side landscape pdf. This is done by our servers, and can take some time, however you can get the same functionality (on exactly the same page you would press the "View PDF" button) by instead using "File->Print" from your browser menu. When you print or generate a pdf this way, there is nothing to download, and no waiting time! Here's how to get the best results... -----------------...

Reset your password

1. Changing your password from the welcome email To change your password from your welcome email the very first time, the link included in that email should take you to the page where you can type in a new password. (Note that it pre-fills the password field with a long list of weird characters...it's just trying to suggest a strong password for you, but you can certainly type over it.) The page you should see is something like this: But if that's not what you're seeing, or you want to cha...

Add Teachers to your account

SmarterMaths is available to all teachers at your school! 1. Any teacher at a subscribing school will create a trial account here (https://teacher.smartermaths.com.au/signup/) first. 2. A password setup link will be sent to their email. 3. Newly registered accounts will be upgraded to full access in the next 24 hours. (But if the account still hasn't been upgraded, send us an email at support@smartermaths.com.au (mailto:support@smartermaths.com.au))